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Critique of Odium's RPG System
Odium is a hardcore strategic RPG for the PC. This article summarizes the combat system and discusses the positive and negative aspects of the various features of combat.

Development Journal For the Spring 2003 Compo
This is the journal I kept while participating in the spring 2003 RPGDX mini RPG competition (gawd, that needs a shorter title).

Game Analysis: Divine Divinity
A review/analysis of the popular commercial RPG, looking at what worked for me and what didn't.

How To Get Me To Buy Your Indie RPG
I would like to buy your indie RPG. But first, you've got to not piss me off and make me quit playing in frustration. Here's how.

Thinking Indie
This is the Thinking Indie column from the 13th issue of Pixelate, the online magazine. It contains a rant about writing in indie RPGs. Some people may find it offensive.

VPlanet's report about the first 48h RPGDX MiniRPG compo
I wouldn't call this one a rant, but I couldn't find a better category. This is an article by Vance Velez about the first 48h RPGDX MiniRPG compo.