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Posted by DeveloperX 
Status Finished 
Prog. language C++ 
Last update 14-01-2008 
Links Website; Download;

Me, darkstarjedi, Unknown


Newest News:

Many have asked for it, and now its here!
The source to WiTCHHUNT has been released under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
Go to the downloads section now.


Team CCPS's RPGDX 2007 MiniRPG Contest Entry engine/project
(most recent update is at the bottom)

There is still much to do, but so far it is usable.
Its going to take all I have to pull this one off! :D

{edit} - added a few preliminary screenshots, theres alot underway.

All three of us are hard at work on this.

There will be a public site for this project soon, but as of now its only disclosed to the developers.

{edit} lots of progress on this - we have decided that since the game design is far too large to complete during the time of the competition, we will only have the first chapter of the game's story available for the contest. This is still a considerable amount of gameplay, so don't think that its "just another unfinished walk around demo". :)

cutscenes are finished, engine being documented, most of the storyline for the contest is finished.

We have a working title for our game, but that is yet to be disclosed.
We want the element of surprise so we are hiding under the "SimpleRPG" label for now.

{edit} added another screeny, and I'd just like to say that we now have our items, abilities and entities working well. darkstarjedi is working on the battle engine as I type this. Its really starting to take shape.

{edit} I added a screenshot of the map editor I made for the engine.
It works really well, and only took 2 days to complete. I'm very proud of it. :D
The engine is complete, and we are working on the content for the competition now.
Everything is going according to plan, and we are very excited and focused on this project.

{edit} Finally finished! far the longest I've ever programmed non-stop.
Mid January to Mid March.....woah, what an experience.

We will upload the game for download as soon as the game has made its rounds to the team members. We don't want to release it before we've played it though, to make sure it doesn't crash for some unknown reason...(we've fixed more than 120 bugs to date)..last I checked, it didn't crash, but I have yet to play from the title to the ending.....thats like .......10 hours or

Expect the game to be available before midnight tomorrow.

{edit} You can download and play the game


{edit} fixed link to point to the official contest demo release download.


I have updated the link to point to the new website for the game.

There is an all-new kick-ass cross-platform version in the works too!
If anyone has anything to say, then hit me with an email. :)

WiTCHHUNT won 2nd place in the Lilith's Enticement.
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