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The Liberated Pixel Cup needs you! 
Bjorn - 14-04-2012 01:53
Last week saw the announcement of the Liberated Pixel Cup. Many of you will be familiar with, which now together with the FSF and CC is organizing a two-phase competition in June and July. First there will be one month for pixel artists to create some awesome graphics, and then there will be one month for games to be made with it. Well, I know this community loves competitions, so don't miss out on this one!

Also note that they are paying some commission for the artists helping to set up the style guidelines and plan to have some prize money. Do chip in if you can!
RPGDX August 2010 week long challenge: Theme is Alternate History 
Terry - 19-07-2010 16:42

The challenge starts on August the 9th. See this thread for details!
Sonic Style Tile Map Collision Article 
Jinroh - 11-03-2010 03:58
Has been added to the Programming Articles section, here. It's a simple and easy to read article but assumes you already know how to make a simple tile based engine. The code is in C with GDI but should be easily portable.

Happy coding! ^_^
Summer 2009 Compo 
BadMrBox - 22-08-2009 02:28
The voting has begun.
Click on the link and make your voice heard;
Its that time again! 
DeveloperX - 05-08-2009 10:22

Its that time again! ...Mini-RPG game-making competition fun time!

Drop in the forums and join the fun!
New Online RPG Aims to Highlight Individual Differences 
tcaudilllg - 13-03-2009 10:46
The Socionics RPG is looking for PHP coders for engine redesign. The aim of the redesign will be to add elements of the socionics theory of individual differences to an AD&D-based engine. The ultimate aim is to create sixteen completely distinct gameplay styles which reflect the challenges real people face in coping with the world around them.

Project link:
Terry - 27-02-2009 08:21
RPGDX Feb '09 48 Hour Jam: Theme is LOFI 
Terry - 31-01-2009 18:03

See this thread for details!
A new 48hr contest in February? 
Terry - 30-01-2009 08:43
We're discussing the possibility of having a short contest sometime next month. If you're interested, speak up!
Merry Christmas 
BadMrBox - 21-12-2008 09:21
I wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year.
February contest: ASCII Art RPG 
BadMrBox - 03-02-2008 11:59
Nothing to do this month? Then you should enter our ongoing contest here on RPGDX.
You can read more about it here.
The source to WiTCHHUNT has been released. 
DeveloperX - 14-01-2008 22:46
Sorry, we're just excited about this new development.
Why? I don't really know, but anyway,our hard effort is now open for you to take a gander at.
Go browse the tons of lines of code that went into our little game that we are so proud of.
Get the source now.
Go to
Contest Extension 
Terry - 19-11-2007 14:18
The traditional contest extension has been granted! Entries are now due this Wednesday evening. Best of luck to everyone taking part.
November 48 Hour Contest 
Terry - 16-11-2007 06:01
Nothing to do this weekend? Check out our 48 Hour RPG design contest, starting tomorrow! The theme of the contest is completion.
Top-Down 2D Dungeon Competition over at Retro Remakes 
Terry - 26-10-2007 10:51
I thought it was about time we had a news update! A interesting looking contest has just started over at Retro Remakes. Participants have six weeks or so to create a Top-Down 2D Dungeon game. You can read the rules over at Retro Remakes in this blog post, or discuss it on our forums here.