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The End of the Expert
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Joined: 20 Jun 2002
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Location: Cedar Bluff, VA

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:40 am    Post subject: The End of the Expert [quote]

I just recently came upon a very unique program called Gravetat.


So here we have, this program who's source illustrates the electromagnetic field equations without their nebulous symbols.


And it gets even BETTER. Even the secrets of QED are modeled! Again, multiplication. Division. Multiplication. Division. That's all these "heady" concepts really are.

So then, if the great "secrets" of the universe are so simple, why hold we their "discoverers" in such esteem over so many others? The arguments that some men are "greater" than others crumble off of their pedstals into ruin.

In the face of this program, Einstein doesn't seem so great. Did he deduce that lightspeed implies time dilation? Yes. But that was the extent of the "greatness" of his discovery. The rest of his work naturally, very intutively flowed from that discovery. I'm not going to pretend that his analysis was not unprecedented; it clearly was. However, were there not engines of restriction placed upon the "non-great" man's ability to make solid logical cases over the strength of the "experts" (which were and are being proved wrong in a way society embraces, but only by "great" men), a strong argument may be made that our scientific progress to the singular state we are approaching would not have been made over millenia, but over centuries. The rule of the academic expert today, is similar to that of the rule of the noble in prior times.

The expert rules with a cloud of "mystique": casting doubt over the non-great man's self-confidence that he can understand those subjects whom the expert chooses to specialize in. He collaborates with his "expert" peers in the maintenance of a system that produces new "experts", all of which blindly emphasize the shadow of mystique to the non-trained.

The academic "expert" system produces a state of mind in which every perception of the world is but an opinion, and no one's view of reality is more "wrong" than another's. Law is created as a point of deference to a formal point of view at points where opinions largely coincide. The expert system relies on the law as a means of using the illusion of mystique ("policy") to enforce the authority of the system.

More to come.
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Demon Hunter

Joined: 24 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:25 am    Post subject: [quote]

Yet more Galbalan-cruft. Fantastic.
"...LeoDraco is a pompus git..." -- Mandrake
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Joined: 30 May 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 5:02 am    Post subject: [quote]

Well I'm not sure what the point of your post was, beyond maybe enlightening us to your discovery. However you are posting on a forum, so I've decided to make some comments.

I think something about what you are saying reminds me of this boring video I had to watch about paradigms and paradigm shifts. This video stated that the under several studies, scientists were found subconsciously to notice data in greater detail if it fit into their paradigm about how something should work, likewise data that did not fit into their paradigm were often ignored with them even being aware of it. Basically the tape was saying that everyone at some level automatically filters information through their understanding of the world. So you have a way that you believe the universe is, and that belief modifies all information that you perceive so that you notice only information that backs up your opinion.

In response to ‘could things have taking less time’, I don’t think so. What we are dealing with here is human nature. It’s extremely hard to for people to change their beliefs. All the facts in the world can be in their face, and they just won’t see them until they are willing to believe in the possibility first. More so, trying to rub someone's nose in facts that doesn’t fit into their paradigm will often evoke a lot of anger.

It takes time for people to be willing to take a chance on everything they believe in, and change their paradigms just enough to be able to see the truth for the first time.
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Wandering Minstrel

Joined: 17 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:01 am    Post subject: [quote]

i think, quite simply, that calculus and other complex math that can be broken down into simple algebraic presentation makes some things seem too difficult. there is no true mystery to much of the man made explanation to mechanics, dynamics, e&m, statics, quantum mechanics, etc.. its just the presentation of archaic symbols and terminology that trips most people up.

so what is the point of LG's post? perhaps it is the sharing of his ability to quickly grasp the concepts presented via the program, and more importantly share this discovery with other people who might be interested in an easier to comprehend presentation of such.

the universe generation stuff is cool, make your own big bang.

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