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Pretty, Pretty Fairy Princess

Joined: 18 Apr 2011
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:32 pm    Post subject: Project Exodium RPG [quote]


the above link is to a blog i started at the beginning of March. i recently started college back in fall of 2010 and since then have figured out that i want to create games; and decided on starting the creation of one by myself.

the concept started off as an MMO , but as i got more serious about it i changed the premise to a PnP(Pen and Paper, like D&D) game. creating a PnP is quite easy, easy for me, because you just needs lots of time and creativity and paper/files to write down your ideas and rules and etc. thats what my blog is for, and i've got quite a lot of info already on there.

Exodium is a High Fantasy, an "Epic"; Hard Sci-Fi RPG. the scope of the game is extremely vast, but i'm going through a process and i created a checklist of things i need to get done in order for the game to be playable. once a playable system has been created, with spell/skill lists and weapons/equipment; i then will start on the "content" of the game which will be a continous creation of stories and conflicts and scenario's/quests that players can delve into and enjoy.

this is also a long-term project for me. i plan on working on it for as long as i'm in college. assuming i go all the way in college, that's at least 4 years of being in school. so i have lots of time to really make this game high quality.

i am though looking for people who're interested in the project to join in and help me along the creative process. artists are also welcome, because art is a needed part for any RPG to give the player some sense of immersion.

any and all critique is welcome and is wanted. anyone who can contribute anything, please speak your thoughts! i'm roughly 1/3 of the way done, but i'm getting close to having the primary system's finished.

thank you :). i update the blog several times a week, so check often!
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I wanna be a ballerina!

Joined: 27 Jan 2010
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 3:22 am    Post subject: [quote]

Heya I just checked out your website. Pretty elaborate already and it was interesting to read about the races. I think you are quite smart for making this a PnP game, considering your scope. I can't help with your project but I look forward to reading your posts. It reminded me a lot of the Starcraft universe but that is not a bad thing.

Why not try your hand at some of the art, yourself? It might make for more interesting reading and help define to your reader what you're thinking of. I would like to see it, anyhow.

There is another blog like this, but without a focus even on creating a PnP game (and so less detailed.) It focuses more on artwork and high concepts in defining the world:


Good luck and have fun!
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Pretty, Pretty Fairy Princess

Joined: 18 Apr 2011
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 4:31 am    Post subject: [quote]

hey man thanks for the reply. im glad you like it.

i dont know if i mentioned before but i'm in college so, recently i havent worked on Exodium because i just havent found the time. plus i'm at the stage where i need to do alot of research, organizing data, and basically do one of the hardest parts of creating things; the whole "creating something from nothing" concept. its quite difficult and also very time consuming, and since its just me i've had not much time to invest in doing what i need to do.

but its in my nature to brainstorm and i have from time to time got some work done. i've got a fair amount of tier 2 hybrid skills finished and i've worked out the plans for the scientific lore of the game. i want to be very literal when it comes to each and every aspect of the game; and by that i mean i want to describe everything as if you were reading a science book.

for example: each solarsystem will have the info for each planet, moon, asteroid belt, planet type, the sun's type and how many there are, and other various astral bodies. then i will give exact details for planets that are habitable and if they are habitable, and those that arent.

i also have a score of data for beasts for every planet, and i'll have to make some kind of spread sheet or have a big brainstorming session where i put together various beasts and their climate and if they're male/female/nosex. i also want to give detailed descriptions of the planets ecosystems and various tree/bush/flower/fungus types.

as you can see, thats alot of stuff, and most of it is mostly fluff. but i feel that the fluff is what really makes a game unique, and it makes the players feel like theyre really in a developed environment and if they wanna know what kind of tree it is, they can know. and heck, it could even have something to do with quests and storylines; so in that respect the various fluff IS important.

i also have mapped out a formula for a players hp. there are 100 levels, so the raw numbers in the game will end up going fairly high. i have also figured out how skills will be obtained.

slowly the various systems of the game are becoming concrete. once i have tier 2 hybrid skills done, various settings complete and monsters created i'll try a alpha battle to test out if the numbers make sense and if skills arent OP and what not.

yeah i work fast; thats why i have so much info done. i just wish i had a few people who could help me :| it would make it more fun and easier on me.
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Joined: 12 May 2009
Posts: 198

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:44 am    Post subject: [quote]

I don't think a setting be both "high fantasy" and "hard sci-fi" at once--they kind of stand for opposite propositions. Just sayin'.
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Pretty, Pretty Fairy Princess

Joined: 18 Apr 2011
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:07 am    Post subject: [quote]

Malignus wrote:
I don't think a setting be both "high fantasy" and "hard sci-fi" at once--they kind of stand for opposite propositions. Just sayin'.

the reason why i describe it as being both is because its "Epic", meaning the story and scope is extremely large. plus it has fantasy elements such as magic and swords/armor etc. but, it is also Hard Sci-fi because its waaayy in the future with interstaller travel, and extreme use of physics (worm holes, nuclear weapons etc.)

its a pretty rough explanation, and yes i can see why you'd think they dont make sense. i guess i should call it an Epic Hard Sci-Fi RPG.

if i would compare it to another game, it would be much like Warhammer 40k. warhammer 40k is very sci-fi but yet it has stuff like the warp and psykers and holy/god interventions.
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Joined: 12 May 2009
Posts: 198

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:52 am    Post subject: [quote]

I see what you're going for. That sounds interesting. I just wouldn't use the term "hard sci fi," since that implies that the world of the fiction works the same as our own world (e.g. no magic).
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Pretty, Pretty Fairy Princess

Joined: 18 Apr 2011
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:19 am    Post subject: [quote]

Malignus wrote:
I see what you're going for. That sounds interesting. I just wouldn't use the term "hard sci fi," since that implies that the world of the fiction works the same as our own world (e.g. no magic).

yeah. i kind of use magic as a way to explain the inconsistencies of our own theories. i cant think of an example right now..i hope you see what i mean :P. plus in general i plan on using alot of our own worlds science in the game. like how we classify starts and planets, and fauna/flora etc.

are you interested enough to work on the game?
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Joined: 12 May 2009
Posts: 198

PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:07 pm    Post subject: [quote]

I'd like to, but I've already got so many of my own projects to finish, I just don't think I could justify taking on another one right now. I wish you luck, however.
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Pretty, Pretty Fairy Princess

Joined: 18 Apr 2011
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:14 pm    Post subject: [quote]

hello everyone, alot has happened to my PnP RPG Exodium. i'll detail some of the newer things that i have added to the game.

- new minor races
- new settings and additions to the story line
- revision to combat
- explanation of combat flow and how game play will work
- new campaign setting
- description of types of gameplay

please give me any feedback you have on Exodium. if you're interested in working on it with me, please let me know :)

i'm currently working on a character sheet and well subsequently create equipment and npc's for various quests for each of the gameplay types, starting with the head hunting adventures.
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