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Cai's Quest: The Rith Saga Begins...
Posted by jkettles16 
Status Early development 
Prog. language C++ 
Last update 06-09-2004 
Links Website;

Venosoft Development Team


Cai's Quest tells of the events that transpired long before Nick Ambrioth was born. In this epic RPG the player will discover the origins of the Runics, and the history the awakened the turmoil and strife that Nick faces in The Runic War. This story also tells the tale of two lovers bound by inescapable fate to fight against each other for the same cause.
The Rith Saga Begins... is a lengthy RPG being developed by the Venosoft crew and professional developers to create an RPG destined to leave you with more questions than answers in it's completion. The demo is scheduled for 2005, check out the progress and screen shots at

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