In a world created by an imperfect god, a young orphan girl and her childhood friend are all that stands unknowingly between the absolute control of all life and free will. Their tale extends throughout an entire world's history, from a distant past controlled by fate to a shattered, hopeless future where free will dominates all.
A traditional RPG featuring very non-linear gameplay and solid character customization and evolution, Endless Saga will appeal to both oldschool roleplayers and newschool gamers looking for a good challenge and something a little different.
Unrestricted use of the game engine is available to people willing to contribute to the effort.
Last Update: The early betatest has been released (and christmas-themed) to the public. Not much to see and still incomplete, but a good preview of things to come, no less.
Current state: Walkaround demo. The map engine will be polished off once production can resume and the scenario engine will be the next big step.