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Posted by PoV 
Status Abandoned 
Prog. language C++ 
Last update 03-01-2009 
Links Website; Download;

Solo, but Sirocco was my biggest fan. I failed him.


Created in 1999, Zeb's Adventure was an Action RPG with a green hero for DOS. The infamous "Barf Demo". Walk around and messaging.

Zeb's Adventure was developed using DJGPP and Allegro. Perhaps the RHIDE IDE too. Graphics created in Paint Shop Pro (4 or 5... not sure which).

Hit the website link above for an archive of scanned notes from the unfinished revised engine.

Screen Shots

Assets from the demo

Related Images

Assets from the unfinished new version

Other Zeb Projects

(1 of 2 Gameboy Color games... can't find a shot of the other one)

Then I got a game industry job. ;)

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