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Joined: 20 Jun 2002
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Location: Cedar Bluff, VA

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:14 am    Post subject: A test [quote]

I made a personality test that concretely defines personality types.


My score: 1 Shadow, 1 Marriage, 2 Soul, 1 Meaning

I would have used catagories, but OKCupid doesn't allow for 108 catagories for one test.
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Joined: 29 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:32 am    Post subject: [quote]

This is a joke, right?
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elementry school minded asshole

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:12 pm    Post subject: [quote]

I'm starting to think that LgB is actually one of us, posing as a brilliantly concieved vastly annoying troll.
"Well, last time I flicked on a lighter, I'm pretty sure I didn't create a black hole."-

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Joined: 17 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:49 pm    Post subject: [quote]

Labels are fun!

Because we all fit into badly-conceived esotheric subcategories that sound like a hippie's dreamland come true! :D
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Wandering Minstrel

Joined: 25 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:53 pm    Post subject: [quote]

Lord Galbalan. You do realise that these stupid test things are utterly absurd and useless and rubbish and just generally bad?!

I hope so for your sake, else I pity you....
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Joined: 20 Jun 2002
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Location: Cedar Bluff, VA

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:02 pm    Post subject: [quote]

I would, but they work. If you answer them honestly.

Usually I can cookie cutter a person into one of those 108 catagories quite easily, although megalomania is a difficult trait to measure....

I'd like to know what your scores are on it.

Alright, perhaps you don't think these tests are valid, but what about the Big Five test? The entire psychological community accepts it, even though it has absolutely no basis in biology nor neurology. Jung's work at least has the latter. It's a bad idea to cookie cutter people into one of 108 types outright, because morals vary even within those catagories. Better yet, subdivide the 108 types along AD&D alignment lines (lawfull good, chaotic neutral, etc.) and then subdivide those along Big Five lines, if you like. Although, the Big Five test is actually terribly flawed, because traits like "agreeableness" and "openness" are extremely subjective.

Science is objective, never subjective. Subjective "science" is *not* truth.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:22 am    Post subject: [quote]

LordGalbalan wrote:
Science is objective, never subjective. Subjective "science" is *not* truth.

Subjective "science" like, say, pigeonholing people into gross, reductive personality type categories?

But hey, whatever floats your boat. If you're interested in this stuff, you should also check out: Astrology, Zodiac (both western and Chinese), I Ching, Phrenology, Palm Reading, and Tarot cards.
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Demon Hunter

Joined: 24 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:14 am    Post subject: [quote]

LordGalbalan wrote:
I would, but they work. If you answer them honestly.

"Honestly?" Three of the four questions on the first page (only page? your button at the bottom said something along the lines of "that's it", and, to be honest, I was terrified to click on anything) ask about information from my childhood; I can barely remember what I was feeling a week ago --- I cannot possibly remember what mad ravings I was feeling 15+ years ago.

And, even if I could, there is this whole mystical concept of, "maturity," whereby a person's personality --- however one wants to cut it --- changes by the experiences that person has. I am not the same person I was a year ago; I sure as hell am not the same person I was 15 or so years ago. Hell, I only became truly cognizant of myself as a individual, sentient being around puberty --- as I imagine the case is with many people.
"...LeoDraco is a pompus git..." -- Mandrake
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Bringer of Apocalypse

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:41 pm    Post subject: [quote]

I took that 'test' of yours but after waiting about 5 minutes for the answer I have given up hope. Aren't four questions alittle to little by the way?
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Wandering Minstrel

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:20 pm    Post subject: [quote]

I took that 'test' of yours but after waiting about 5 minutes for the answer I have given up hope. Aren't four questions alittle to little by the way?

Don't complain that there were only four! Thank god there weren't any more.

I would, but they work. If you answer them honestly.

Ya... of course...
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Joined: 20 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:01 am    Post subject: [quote]

BadMrBox wrote:
I took that 'test' of yours but after waiting about 5 minutes for the answer I have given up hope. Aren't four questions alittle to little by the way?

It's hosted by OK Cupid, so that would be on their account. :)

LeoDraco: You say you were cognizant as an individual only by puberty? ...I've been cognizant of my individuality from my earliest memories. I'm very intrigued that we are so different in this way. Tell me, how did you determine you were an individual?

Too, LeoDraco, because you are not an "adult" in the biological sense of the word (which is above the age of 22), you would, in terms of the test, be a child. So answer as you are now. :)

You are right in that personality changes, however, changes that would affect your score on this test occur only when the biological functions of your brain change. There are four of these in the lifetime of most individuals, and they are described by Carl Jung as "the archetype" cycle of the self. Shadow, Soul, Marriage, and Meaning, and finally Self are the stages of the archetype. You have not yet faced your "darker side", that is, your desire to shape the world around you through your intellect, as opposed to imparting it as you do now and hope that we partake of it. :) I have learned a lot from you, but I cannot forsee how most of your suggestions will make a clear difference.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:18 am    Post subject: [quote]

At first, I wrote a long post trying to drive home to LdG that these posts are silly, and they draw attention and energy away from RPG development.

Then I decided that I might as well address the larger audience. The best way to rebutt posts of this type is to ignore them. Not whimsically or mockingly, but truly. Just don't post a reply.

I often write out replies to posts and then never submit them- after all I only wrote them to hear myself talk(type). I had no hope of changing anyone's opinion, nor did I set out to do so in the first place. I just wanted to be argumentative, it helped no one but me, so why should anyone else need to read it.

I'd like to come to these forums and know which threads are actually worth my while based on the number of posts. Not find that it's another LdG smackdown.

When a wise man and a fool argue, no one can tell which is which

We are on the outer reaches of someone else's universe.
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Wandering Minstrel

Joined: 25 Jul 2005
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Location: England

PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:45 am    Post subject: [quote]

Yes good point. We should ignore these stupid threads. (Note to Lord Galbalan; don't create these threads).

But it is fun to mock...

And it is in the off topic forum so...

Anyway i agree we should ignore.
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Demon Hunter

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Location: Riverside, South Cali

PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:59 am    Post subject: [quote]

biggerUniverse: Yeah, I was going to avoid this one, too. Actually, as Mandrake has been the heaviest contender in bashing Galbalan's usage of personality tests, I was holding out some hope that I would have some good reading material. But, then, I just couldn't resist beating the old dead hag.

But, per (implied) request, I'll put on the blinders more tightly, in the future.

Galbalan: while children have personalities unique from their parent's (and other authority figures in their environment, ranging from Day Care Keepers/School Teachers (is there a difference? Heh.) to older best friends), most children don't start to develop out of the cookie-cutter mold impressed upon them by their environment until their teenage years. Even then, formative people are still impressionable, which is one of the reasons why certain topics are taboo --- at least, in America; I cannot speak for you non-American types --- in pre-university schools. While I still allow my environment to shape me, it is usually a voluntary escape from the (perceived) freedom of individuality. I had absolutely no say in any of the activities, music, movies, television shows, etc. to which I was subjected as a child --- partly due to disinterest in topics I did not understand, but mostly due to parental censorship. Children, I hold, are not free-thinking individuals --- in the sense that "adults" are --- and to contend that anything that a child thinks is relevant to anything at all is, as I see things, asinine.
"...LeoDraco is a pompus git..." -- Mandrake
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Joined: 04 May 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 12:05 am    Post subject: Re: A test [quote]

LordGalbalan wrote:
I made a personality test that concretely defines personality types.


My score: 1 Shadow, 1 Marriage, 2 Soul, 1 Meaning

I would have used catagories, but OKCupid doesn't allow for 108 catagories for one test.

My Results, Tony:

You scored 1 Shadow, 1 Marriage, 2 Soul, and 3 Meaning!

Shadow: Introverted, Extroverted, or Megalomanical?

If you are extroverted, your shadow ("inner evil") side is introversion. (i.e. thinking before you act/running the words through your head before you say something) If you are introverted, your shadow is extroversion. (living in the moment, avoiding thinking about what you say before you say it) It is possible to be both extroverted and introverted, in which case you see the external world as your own thought, and believe yourself, consequently, to be the center of the universe. This is megalomania.

A score of 1 indicates introversion; a score of 2 indicates extroversion; and a score of 3 represents megalomania.

Marriage: Intuitive, Sensory, or Harmonic?

Sensory individuals live in the "here and now", the world of facts and concrete details. Things that can be experienced. Intutives live in the future, forecasting with their imagination the course of possibilities. They live in a world of possibilities and abstractions. Harmonies exist in a cross between sensation and intuition, sensing patterns and living their imagination. They are apt to wear a "mask", displacing their true selves in favor of what their surrounding desire from them. By wearing this ever-changing mask, they may appear ultra-attractive and desirable.

A score of 1 indicates intuition; a score of 2 represents sensing; and a score of 3 indicates harmony.

Soul: Feeling, Thinking, or Psychotic?

Feelers are subjective to the present situation, putting themselves in other's shoes when considering what to do. Thinkers use their minds objectively, looking at the world in terms of "cause and effect". Feeling and thinking are, effectively, the absence of each other. To avoid thinking is to feel, to avoid feeling is to think. Psychosis is the cross of feeling and thinking: a psychotic person can analyze a logical thought or proposition and determine how it will affect other people emotionally. Because psychotic people are surrounded by the behavior of individuals who feel without thinking and think without feeling, they may often appear to be mentally disturbed.

A score of 1 indicates feeling; a score of 2 indicates thinking; and a score of 3 represents psychosis.

Meaning: Judge, Perceiver, or Genius?

Judges prefer closure, reaching absolute conclusions about anything and anything. Knowledge is their domain, and greater understanding their goal. Perceivers enjoy wide ranging options, possibilties, and opportunities to interact. Their constant drive to interact with the world around them and inside them gives them endless understanding, but at the price of knowing. Genius is the cross of judgement and perception, absolute knowledge and understanding. When a genius experiences a system he can report the knowledge that created it, and upon witnessing knowledge he knows intimately the system that made it possible. Genius knows no internal world, no internal meaning: the life of genius is a search for self amongst the world of people that they change so precisely and completely.

A score of 1 indicates judgement; a score of 2 indicates perception; and a score of 3 indicates genius.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 0% on Shadow
You scored higher than 0% on Marriage
You scored higher than 50% on Soul
You scored higher than 50% on Meaning

Interesting man.
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