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Dark Woods
Posted by Jocke The Beast 
Status Finished 
Prog. language QuickBasic 
Last update 23-04-2002 
Links Website; Download;

Jocke The Beast


You,Eduin,must recieve the Ring of Fire. To find the Ring you must act wise and aslo fight evil creatures.

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Review by XMark on 24-04-2002
Nice little game. Despite the ASCII graphics and PC speaker sound, it was actually quite enjoyable. Unfortunately, it's much too short, and the puzzles were a bit on the easy side. It would be nice to program a map editor so people can make their own missions.
Review by darkpagan on 25-07-2002
Okay it uses ASCII graphics but don't let those piss you off! This is a short but highly addictive game.The game utilises the very basic sounds very well thats why I gave it a 7 there but this is a great game and you shouldn't be put off by those ugly graphics.