A sci-fi rpg set in the 400 years in the future when the combination of science and the spiritual is brewing a terrible conflict...
Added new screenshots.
ATFW has now reached the walkaround demo stage. (I don't plan on releasing a demo because I fail to see the point.) Major improvements have been made to large portions of the engine (such as the windowing system.) Also, I have been working on a flexible palette / tile / map editor that suits my purposes better than other tools I have tried (such as Paint, GIMP, and Tile Studio.) As an engine, the only things lacking are the battle engine and a few script functions. As a playable game, I am just getting started.
ATFW at this point (after working on it on and off for over a year) is quite close to the walkaround demo stage. The scrolling engine, windowing system, a good deal of the script engine as well as some test graphics and animations of the main characters are somewhat there (not final, but they work well nonetheless.)